Fennel, Orange, and Grapefruit Salad

Winter salads are such a treat among all of the warm, heavy foods of the season.

We recently had a party with lots of food. The most requested recipe was for a Fennel and Orange Salad that my mother brought. It is light, bright, and the perfect accompaniment to heavier dishes.

I made a similar salad over arugula with thinly sliced red onion during an interview for a cooking job years ago that knocked the chef’s socks off! This is a combination of the two. You can substitute grapefruit or blood orange, as they all pair very well with fennel. It can be made just before serving or the night before.

Fennel and citrus will provide an incredible dose of vitamin C. Fennel has been used for centuries as an antibacterial and helps reduce inflammation in the body! Your fennel tops and cores should be saved in the freezer for future stock. Your citrus peels should be saved for a fragrant steam pot or to make a homemade cleaner. Just add the peels to a vinegar/water mixture, let it sit for 2 weeks, and put it in a spray bottle. 

Fennel, Orange, and Grapefruit Salad


2 fennel bulbs cored and thinly sliced.

3 oranges, supreme*

1 grapefruit, supreme

1 lemon, juiced.

2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Salt and pepper to taste.

Garnish with torn fresh mint leaves if desired


  1. In a large bowl, combine the sliced fennel, orange, and grapefruit pieces and their juice. 
  2. Dress with lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil. Season to taste.

*Supreme is a French technique. You cut off the peel of the citrus, then cut between each membrane so that you have a very easy-to-eat finished product. You can see how it is done on homeawaycafe.com, with step-by-step instructions.