Danbury Collective Joins StriveTogether Network to Enhance Youth Success

The Danbury Collective has announced its membership in the StriveTogether Cradle to Career Network, a national initiative aimed at fostering the success of children from early childhood through their careers, regardless of race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic background. With this membership, Danbury joins 70 communities nationwide working collaboratively to enhance economic mobility for youth.
Founded in 2023, the Danbury Collective has aligned itself with Connecticut’s prominent cradle-to-career partnerships, such as Bridgeport Prospers, Norwalk ACTS, Stamford Cradle to Career, and Waterbury Bridge to Success. This integration represents a commitment to leveraging data and community leadership to achieve positive outcomes for young people.
Melissa Hannequin, executive director of the Danbury Collective, expressed her enthusiasm for joining the network, stating, “Being part of this community widens our opportunity to learn from similar organizations across the country and allows us to amplify the work we are doing in Danbury to a national audience. I look forward to partnering with our peers in support of creating brighter futures for our young people.”
The Danbury Collective was established through the collaboration of community members dedicated to the shared goal of supporting every child's success. Over 50 cross-sector partners are involved, including local parents, nonprofits, educational leaders, early childhood educators, and government officials.
Bridget Jancarz, StriveTogether’s vice president of Network Impact, welcomed Danbury Collective into the network, stating that it offers a chance to unite communities for transformative results. She emphasized the importance of collective efforts and data-driven strategies in creating opportunities for youth.
Joining the StriveTogether Network is a significant achievement for the Danbury Collective, providing access to a national community focused on enhancing educational opportunities. The network promotes collaboration, data-informed strategies, and shared learning to address systemic barriers and pursue equitable outcomes.
To qualify for the network, the Danbury Collective met stringent benchmarks based on the StriveTogether Theory of Action™, a well-regarded national framework that assists communities in instigating lasting change for children and families. This framework is built upon over a decade of proven experience from various organizations across the country.
Anne Mead, Director of Family, School and Community Partnerships for Danbury Public Schools and an Advisory Council member for the Danbury Collective, noted that the organization has relied on similar state partnerships since its inception. She affirmed that Danbury Public Schools is excited about the opportunities that StriveTogether resources will provide to strengthen the Collective's capacity to support families and students.
In its first year, the Danbury Collective has organized various community stakeholder events, working groups, and focus groups, to address challenges such as chronic absenteeism, early childhood education, and youth mental health. Initiatives include a communication campaign highlighting the importance of regular school attendance, along with a community trainer toolkit and a family brochure designed to provide resources to families.
Last month, the Collective co-hosted a youth panel with Connecticut Secretary of the State Stephanie Thomas, featuring a Danbury High School student, emphasizing the importance of youth voice. The next community-wide gathering is scheduled for December 4, from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. For more information about the Danbury Collective and its initiatives to enhance educational outcomes, please visit https://www.unitedwaycwc.org/danburycollective.