Protecting Danbury's Children and Families: What Does Distance Learning Mean for Your Family?

Last week, Danbury Public Schools made the decision to move to the full-distance learning model (in home) instead of in-school learning due to the upward trend of positive COVID-19 cases. The decision was made over time in consultation with DPS Health/Nursing services, the City’s Health Director, Dr. Fong, the district medical doctor and Danbury Hospital doctors. We have heard from many families who don’t agree with this decision and understand the hardship this change represents for families.

By Anne E. Mead, Ed. D. | Translated by Jamal Fox & Alisson Ziza

Last week, Danbury Public Schools made the decision to move to the full-distance learning model (in home) instead of in-school learning due to the upward trend of positive COVID-19 cases. The decision was made over time in consultation with DPS Health/Nursing services, the City’s Health Director, Dr. Fong, the district medical doctor and Danbury Hospital doctors. We have heard from many families who don’t agree with this decision and understand the hardship this change represents for families.

The change has raised multiple questions about what the day will look like, how will technology work, what teachers will be teaching children and how it will be different from the distance learning experienced in the spring. At the Board of Education meeting held on August 26 (minutes available at in both English and Spanish), these questions were answered. Distance learning will begin on Tuesday, September 8. 

Instruction will be more streamlined, with fewer Google classrooms used at the elementary level and with detail to help students socialize with others and build community in their virtual classrooms. More synchronous (live) learning will be offered in real time to help keep students engaged. Teachers have undergone extensive training on providing curricular content, supporting students social and emotional growth. Google classroom will be used as the learning platform and Edgenuity will provide support for the coursework especially at the middle and high school levels. 

Incoming kindergarteners will be invited to attend an orientation, picking up devices and meeting the principal and teachers during the week of September 8. Look for an invitation in your email. Virtual instruction for kindergarten students will begin on September 14. 

The school day for elementary students will begin at 8:00 am, with PE, a warm-up and different activities, with the educational portion of the day beginning at 8:30. The day ends at 12:30. Some small groups will be offered at 1:15 for students who need additional support. Instruction for middle and high schools will begin earlier in the day, with more block scheduling in both asynchronous and synchronous modes, with some sections prerecorded. Grading will return to the previous system and honor rolls will return. 

Students with identified special needs (with IEPs) will be scheduled in small groups around their regular classroom instruction. Each child will have their own Google page specific to their individual needs. ESL services will be conducted in classroom and in small groups. 

High schoolers will be receiving new laptops and turning in the ones they currently have. Every child in the district will be receiving a device and those without internet will be able to draw from a pool of vouchers to help with internet accessibility costs. 

Distance learning is new for all of us. Please be patient as we become accustomed to the “new normal.” Our teachers and district leaders are working diligently to make the new platforms successful for all students. We hope that families will continue to support the endeavors of the district to educate our students, as we look forward to returning to in-school instruction soon. 

Anne E. Mead, Ed. D., is the administrator for the Early Childhood Education and Extended Learning Programs of the Danbury Public Schools. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact her at 203-830-6508 or