Elmwood Hall Danbury Senior Has Special Events Throughout July and August

It’s hot. Some days are unbearably so.
Come on down to the Elmwood Hall Danbury Senior Center, where it’s not only cool, but you might make some friends along the way! We have programs and activities happening Monday through Friday, to keep those dog days of summer occupied. Daily programs include Tai Chi, Chair Yoga, Line Dancing, and Zumba. These and other programs will keep you moving all summer long.
In addition to our daily offerings, we have special events throughout July and August. Do you love arts & crafts? So do we! On Monday, July 8, at 1 pm, we have nationally recognized Zentangle instructor Kathy Phillips leading us through a drawing class. What is Zentangle, you might ask? Zentangle is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. Sometimes it is referred to as Yoga for your brain. It's essentially doodling for adults, which helps the brain relax. No drawing experience is necessary.
On July 11, at 1 pm, we have renowned painter Pam Cassidy coming to lead us through a class on painting Terra Cotta pots. Perfect for all those who are crafty and garden! No experience is necessary.
When you think of summer, one of the first things that comes to mind are snow globes, right? Maybe not, but on August 1, at 2:30 pm, we will be making summer snow globes out of mason jars. Decorate it with a flamingo, a palm tree, or whatever strikes your fancy!
We also have a handful of information programs on the horizon. On July 16, at noon, we have a lunch and learn program with Aspen Dental. Join Dr. Suzanna Kia and the staff from Aspen Dental in Danbury, as they bring you an informational program on oral health and hygiene. The presentation includes topics on Oral Care, Periodontal Disease, warning signs, how to combat this disease at home, and when to ask for help. Oral health is important at any age, especially as we get older. This informational program will be followed by a Q&A to answer your questions.
On July 17, we will welcome Kelley Green from FCP Live-Ins for a program on understanding home health care. Green will discuss each kind of home care service and help you understand what each can and can't do for you, and also who provides it, as well as discussing what other kinds of help are available and where to find those resources.
We’ll round out the month with an information program on gambling addiction on July 31. Did you know that half of all older adults gamble and 25 percent of those do it regularly? Gambling may lead to medical problems like arthritis and angina, as well as, severe anxiety and depression. Join Andrea Luis Grigorio from the Western Connecticut Coalition for a presentation on Gambling Addiction prevention. Find out what gambling addiction looks like, who might be affected, and how you can help yourself or someone else if they are struggling.
Whatever your interest is, there is always something for everyone at The Elmwood Hall Danbury Senior Center. Remember, the Elmwood Hall Danbury Senior Center, located at 10 Elmwood Place in Danbury, is open Monday-Friday 8:30 am-4:30 pm. Membership is FREE to all those 60+ (regardless of whether you live in Danbury or not). We would love to see you very soon! For more information visit www.danburyseniors.org
1) Pickleball instructor Maura Keenan leading our members in a Picklball lesson. Picklball meets every Tuesday from 11am-12pm at the Roger Park Pickleball Courts.
2) Our members enjoyed the buffet of delicious Brazilian foods at our first Cultural Celebration of Brazil on June 4th.