CT Paid Leave: Different Ways to Use Leave Time

If you’re applying for CT Paid Leave to have income replacement while you are out of work for a qualifying health or family reason, such as receiving treatment for or recovering from your own serious health condition, caring for a loved one, or bonding with a new child, it’s important to know that there are three different ways you can take leave.
- Continuous leave: Continuous leave, also called block leave, is when you are absent for a consecutive span of time for a single qualifying reason. For example, if you are having back surgery and will need to be out of work completely for four weeks to recover following the procedure, this would be taken as continuous leave.
- Intermittent leave: Intermittent leave is leave taken in separate, non-consecutive time periods rather than a single span of time for a single qualifying reason. Intermittent leave might be taken for planned absences. For example, following your back surgery, you may need to attend physical therapy appointments for 3 hours per week for several weeks. Sometimes, intermittent leave may need to be taken for unplanned absences. This is often true in the case of chronic conditions that can flare up unexpectedly and cause you to be unable to work. An example of this might be a person who suffers from migraines. While they can’t predict when a migraine will occur, they know that when they do, they will be unable to report to work. When taking intermittent leave, your healthcare provider will specify the maximum duration of leave you will need. After an absence occurs, you will need to report it the CT Paid Leave Authority within two business days.
- Reduced schedule leave: Reduced schedule leave is a leave schedule that reduces a worker’s normal hours per workweek, or hours per workday, for a period of time. This normally means moving from a full-time to a part-time schedule. An example of this may be a person who is returning to work after undergoing cancer treatment, but who is so easily fatigued that his doctor advises him to work only 4 hours per day instead of the usual 8 hours per day for a period of time.
The way your leave is taken will be based on medical necessity as advised by your healthcare provider in the case of medical leave or caregiver leave. For leave to bond with a new child that is born, adopted, or placed into the home for foster care, a worker will need their employer’s permission to take leave on an intermittent or reduced schedule basis instead of on a continuous basis.
Remember, in all cases it is necessary for you to apply directly to your employer for job-protected leave under CT FMLA or federal FMLA if you’re going to be out of work for a qualifying health or family reason. CT Paid Leave can provide income replacement while you are out of work, but it does not provide job-protected leave.
For more information on CT Paid Leave, or to start an application, visit ctpaidleave.org or call (877) 499-8606.
This article was written by Jessica Vargas, CT Paid Leave Authority’s Chief Marketing and Communications Officer.