When does the DRS individual income tax filing season begin this year?

The DRS Taxpayer Service Center began accepting online individual income tax returns beginning the week of Tuesday, January 18, 2022.
The DRS Taxpayer Service Center began accepting online individual income tax returns beginning the week of Tuesday, January 18, 2022.
What is the best way to file my Connecticut income tax return?
DRS strongly recommends electronic filing.The DRS Taxpayer Service Center is an easy, secure, and free option, and electronic filing is the quickest way to get your state refund if you are expecting one. Because Connecticut's individual income tax return begins with federal adjusted gross income, it is often beneficial to file your federal income tax return first.
What is the due date for filing my 2021 Connecticut individual income tax?
April18, 2022. In 2022, the due date for filing a Connecticut Income Tax Return (April 15) falls on a Friday which is a legal holiday in the District of Columbia (Emancipation Day). Therefore, for filing purposes, the return (and payments) will be considered timely if filed on or before Monday, April 18, 2022.
For more information, visit: CT’s Official State Website.