The 2024 Early Childhood Fair Gathers Over 300 Participants

On March 23, over 300 people gathered at the Rogers Park Middle School in Danbury to participate in the 2024 Early Childhood Fair and Family University.
Danbury Mayor Roberto Alves and State Senator Julie Kushner were also in attendance.
Breakfast, workshops, activities for children, community resources, and raffles were available at the site.
Childcare centers, family support providers, and other non-profit agencies serving Danbury families such as Families Network of Western Connecticut, CIFC, Harambee Center, and the United Way, were among more than 50 vendors at the Fair.
This initiative was a collaboration between Danbury Public Schools, the Community Action Agency of Western Connecticut-Action Early Learning Center, and Danbury School Readiness.
“It was a perfect example to show that it truly takes a village to raise a child. We had over 50 agencies that offer services for the children in the community that did show up despite the pouring rain," said Mini Santosh-Childcare Director with the Community Action Agency of Western-Action Early Learning Center.
From left: Mini Santosh, Mayor Roberto Alves, Interim Superintendent Kara Quinn Casimiro, Board of Education members Kate Conetta and AL Almeida.
Mini Santosh, Mayor Alberto Alves, Eileen Costello, and Laza
ro Chavez