Phases of the Covid-19 Vaccination in Connecticut, and How You Access Vaccine

The State of Connecticut understands it is important to each resident of the state to know when they'll be eligible for a vaccine, and what the instructions for getting one will be. The process may be a little different for everyone, but you can always visit the state’s website to find out which phase you may be in, find more details about future phases and see where the state is.

By Tribuna Staff | Translated by Jamal Fox & Alisson Ziza

The State of Connecticut understands it is important to each resident of the state to know when they'll be eligible for a vaccine, and what the instructions for getting one will be. The process may be a little different for everyone, but you can always visit the state’s website to find out which phase you may be in, find more details about future phases and see where the state is.

Phase 1a

Connecticut is currently in for Phase 1a of vaccine roll-out. Those eligible to receive vaccine, based on the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommendations, in Phase 1a are:
Healthcare Personnel: All paid and unpaid persons serving in healthcare settings who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients of infectious materials.
Long Term Care Facility Residents: Adults who reside in facilities that provide a range of services, including medical and personal care, to persons who are unable to live independently. 
First Responders at risk of exposure to COVID-19 through their response to medical emergencies such as Emergency Medical Technicians, Police, and Fire.

Phase 1a does not include healthcare personnel that do not have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious materials. For example, if you are providing telehealth services and do not currently work in a healthcare setting providing in-person care, you are not eligible for vaccine in phase 1a.

How to get access to a vaccination

Healthcare personnel who have questions about how to receive vaccine should contact their organizational leadership and speak with their Employer Coordinator, a staff person who has been designated to ensure the right people in your workplace gain access to the vaccine.

Vaccine administration for healthcare workers will be available at hospitals, outpatient clinics and local health departments. The vaccine is expected to be very limited in December, but all healthcare personnel should be able to receive their first dose of the COVID vaccine during the month of January if they have not already received it in December. 
Residents of long-term care facilities should talk to their facility leadership and contacts about receiving the vaccine. All vaccine clinics in long-term care facilities will be administered by CVS and Walgreens as part of a program coordinated by the federal government, in partnership with the Connecticut Department of Public Health.



Upcoming Phases

The State is committed to ensuring that it provides vaccinations to those who can have the most significant impact on public health, and it appreciates the residents’ patience as they work through this process. Those who will be eligible for vaccination in upcoming phases between January and May has not been finalized, but they anticipate it will include:

  • Critical Workforce
  • Other Congregate Settings
  • Adults Over 65
  • High Risk Individuals Under 65

No decisions have yet been made about the prioritization of individuals beyond Phase 1a. Their decisions about the priority order for Phase 1b and beyond will be made based on ACIP guidelines, the State’s allocation subcommittee advice and, ultimately, the decision of the state’s governor. ACIP and the allocation subcommittee are making their recommendations based on multiple factors – including maximizing the benefits of vaccine access, mitigating the spread of the pandemic and mitigating health inequities. 

How to get access to a vaccination

The State is actively working on this process in combination with employers and providers. Those in the critical workforce should stay in communication with their employers, and those in congregate settings should stay in communication with their facility leadership. 

Other populations should remain in close contact with their medical providers as more detailed plans are released. 

Summer and Fall Phases

Vaccinations for eligible members of the general public are not expected to begin until this summer. Residents should know that vaccinations are expected to be available where you would regularly get vaccinated: at pharmacies, doctors’ offices, community health clinics, local health clinics and through other providers. 


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