Nuvance Health Hosts Mission Health Day: Free Health Screenings for Those In Need

Nuvance Health will host its annual Mission Health Day from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, September 21, at the Danbury War Memorial.
This special event is designed to provide free essential health screenings and services to community members in need. The event is open to individuals aged 18 years and older who are uninsured, underinsured, or at risk of housing instability. All are welcome to attend this free event.
“As we enter our sixth year of hosting Mission Health Day, I am moved by the unwavering commitment of our team, volunteers, and community partners. This event is more than just a day of service; it’s a testament to our shared dedication to uplifting those in need. By coming together, we provide not only essential health services but also hope, dignity, and a sense of belonging. We are honored to continue this tradition and to make a positive impact in the lives of our neighbors who need it most,” said Sharon Adams, president of Danbury Hospital/New Milford Hospital and eastern regional president of Nuvance Health.
The New American Dream Foundation (TNADF) a Danbury-based non-profit 501(c)(3) organization established by the Bacelar-Palmares Family, and serving as the philanthropic branch of Tribuna Newspaper, has directed a portion of the proceeds from ticket sales of its annual American Dream Awards Gala as a donation towards defraying some of the cost of Mission Health Day since 2018.
The TNADF mission is to celebrate, support, and inspire immigrants of all generations, committed to providing opportunities that enhance access to education, health, and civic engagement.
To support its mission to create access healthcare for members in the immigrant community who are unable to purchase health insurance, TNADF has donated over $114,000 towards to the Mission Health Day event since its inception.
According to a CT Health Foundation Report, while less than six percent of Connecticut residents overall are uninsured, 58 percent of the state’s 113,000 undocumented residents lack any coverage.
Barred by federal regulations from obtaining access to health insurance coverage through Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), or the Affordable Care Act marketplaces, undocumented residents across the United States often avoid seeking care until they are critically ill, resulting not only in personal suffering and family catastrophe, but also billions of dollars in uncompensated care costs to hospitals nationwide. And private insurance is either prohibitively expensive or companies reject applications due to lack of social security numbers.
"Mission Health Day is open to any uninsured or underinsured adults. Our foundation's goal in supporting the event for the past six years is to provide access to healthcare for those who are unable to obtain insurance, especially members of the immigrant community. An important component of anyone's American dream is the ability to be healthy enough to make their aspirations come true. Access to preventive healthcare is a key for anyone to succeed in America," said Celia Bacelar-Palmares, president of TNADF.
Mission Health Day will connect community members in need with:
- General health assessments and screenings with time to consult a medical provider
- Basic point-of-care testing
- Diabetes screenings and educational resources
- Referrals to primary care providers
- Screening mammogram referrals
- Podiatry screenings
- Mental health and substance abuse screenings with referral options
- Insurance enrollment assistance
- Vaccinations
In addition to these health services, attendees will receive free personal care packages, winter clothing, and haircuts.
Event organizers stress that the event is designed for adults 18 and over who are uninsured, underinsured, and those with housing at risk only.
“Mission Health Day is made possible thanks to the generous contributions of dedicated community organizations, volunteers, and donors. Nuvance Health extends heartfelt gratitude to everyone involved in bringing this vital event to life," said Adams
For more information about Mission Health Day, contact Kevin McVeigh at 203-739-4705 or by email at
Nuvance Health is a system of award-winning nonprofit hospitals and outpatient healthcare services throughout the Hudson Valley and Western Connecticut, including Danbury Hospital and its New Milford campus, Norwalk Hospital and Sharon Hospital in Connecticut, and Northern Dutchess Hospital, Putnam Hospital and Vassar Brothers Medical Center in New York.
Nuvance Health offers the latest prevention, diagnostic, medical, surgical, and rehabilitation services, through the Cancer, Digestive Health, Heart & Vascular and Neuroscience Institutes, and primary and specialty care services through Nuvance Health Medical Practices. Nuvance Health also provides convenient healthcare through home care, urgent care, and telehealth visits.
Visit for more information. TTY: 1-800-421-1220.