Laundry Love of Greater Danbury (LLGD)

As a chapter of a national non-profit, Laundry Love of Greater Danbury (LLGD) funds the washing of clothes and bedding for low/no income families and individuals in Danbury.
Through partnerships with community agencies and White Street Wash laundromat, LLGD is brightening the lives of hundreds of residents through love, dignity, and detergent. Thanks to the generosity of many area organizations, LLGD provided over 3,600 loads of laundry last year.
How Does LLGD work?
On the second Wednesday of each month, LLGD volunteers distribute pre-paid laundry cards at White St. Wash (301 Main St.) from 10 am to 4 pm to those who are doing their laundry at that time. Each card has a value of $13, which generally covers the cost of two loads of laundry. A limited number of pre-paid cards are also available throughout the month at agencies such as Dorothy Day Hospitality House, Jericho Partnership, and Catholic Charities, which allow people who are struggling financially to wash clothing at their convenience and at no cost to them. LLGD does not require identification nor registration to use its service.
How Does LLGD fund this service?
Ten area faith organizations provide the bulk of funding: Congregation B’nai Israel, St. James’ Episcopal Church, United Jewish Center, Danbury; Temple B’nai Chaim, Georgetown; Trinity Episcopal Church, Newtown; Christ Episcopal Church, Redding; First Congregational Church, Jesse Lee Memorial United Methodist Church, St. Mary Catholic Church, and St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Ridgefield.
Each month, the inventory of cards LLGD distributes is depleted before the demand for them is met. So, LLGD currently seeks support from additional sources, and is grateful for generous grants from the Savings Bank of Danbury, Women’s Club of Danbury/New Fairfield, Ridgefield Thrift Shop, Newtown Savings Bank, and other community-minded organizations and foundations. Individuals who wish to donate to LLGD may send checks to its fiscal sponsor, First Congregational Church of Ridgefield, 103 Main Street, Ridgefield, CT, 06877. Please indicate Laundry Love on the memo line. All donations directly fund laundry cards.
Volunteers completely run LLGD, and bi-lingual volunteers (English/Spanish, ages 18 and older) are needed. For information on volunteering for LLGD, visit
For additional information on Laundry Love nationally, visit