Saturday, 27 July 2024

Izabela Bonzanini

Maple Apple Cake

Filled with a layer of local apples and cinnamon, sweetened with maple syrup and topped off with walnuts, this dairy-free Maple Apple Cake is autumn simplicity at its best. It’s just as good for breakfast on a crisp morning as it is for an afternoon treat with a cup of tea or hot cider. Before we get started, I have two recommendations.

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Danbury Prospect Charter Would Improve Education Choices

As a former student of the Danbury Public School system and current community advocate and organizer, I am very concerned about the future of our schools. We have issues with overcrowding and racially unjust disciplinary practices. Right now, as school districts throughout the country face cuts, we must be open to any solution that will improve our schools. State Sen. Julie Kushner’s obstinate opposition to Danbury Prospect Charter School will only hurt our community.

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