Gov. Lamont Signs Executive Order Extending Emergency Mask Mandate, and Other Orders

Connecticut legislators granted Gov. Ned Lamont an extension of his emergency powers – the House on Monday, Sept. 27, and the Senate on Tuesday, Sept. 28 — with both chambers voting along party lines, except for 10 Democratic state representatives and one Democratic state senator voting with Republicans.
Connecticut legislators granted Gov. Ned Lamont an extension of his emergency powers – the House on Monday, Sept. 27, and the Senate on Tuesday, Sept. 28 — with both chambers voting along party lines, except for 10 Democratic state representatives and one Democratic state senator voting with Republicans.
The votes allowed the governor to renew the COVID-19 emergency orders, reauthorizing nine previously issued executive orders to remain in effect through Feb. 15, 2022. This is the sixth extension of his emergency powers since the pandemic's start in March of 2020.
In his request to the legislators, Lamont said extending the executive order beyond Sept. 30, the date that they were to expire, was necessary due to the continued threat of the COVID-19 virus.
"I believe Connecticut has been smart in our response, and we've been taking the right steps to help mitigate the spread of this virus to the best of our abilities," Governor Lamont said. "That's why we've gotten to a place where we currently have among the best results in the nation, and I'm just asking people to be cautious just a little bit longer until we can get this behind us."
Among the most impactful — and controversial to some — are the orders requiring masks in schools, childcare facilities, and specific higher-risk settings. The orders mandating state employees and people who work in long-term care facilities, state hospitals, schools, and childcare facilities get vaccinated, with test-out options for those not working in long-term care facilities and hospitals.
"There is something called Delta. It hit and hit hard, forcing a lot of changes in the rules coming from the federal government, new vaccines for boosters, and probably something for kids, so we need to be able to act quickly," Lamont said on Sept. 28, according to WFSB-TV news.
In Danbury, the CT Department of Public Health reported 180 more COVID-positive cases between Sept. 7-Sept. 13, and Danbury Public Schools has reported 18 cases since the first day of school, with 40 close contacts identified and 47 students or staff members quarantined, according to the district's dashboard. Masks are required in all public indoor spaces in Danbury regardless of vaccination status.