In the Wake of the Presidential Election, Hundreds Gather to Show that Danbury Stands United for Immigrants

“Immigrants are here to stay! We urge our elected officials to join us in taking all necessary steps to ensure that all residents feel safe in the place we call home.” This mantra was chanted in unison by over 200 members of the Danbury community, representing more than 22 labor groups, churches, immigrant rights organizations, institutions of higher education, and human rights groups, among others, on November 16 at Danbury City Hall.
Before the rally, Dr. Kara Quinn Casimiro, the superintendent of Danbury Public Schools, sent a statement to all district parents in both English and Spanish. The statement read in part:
“I want to assure you of our unwavering commitment to providing an inclusive, safe, and supportive environment for all our students, regardless of their immigration status. Danbury's heritage reflects the strength of a diverse community. Our city has a rich history rooted in immigration, where generations of families from around the world have come here, bringing with them stories of resilience, hope, and a commitment to a brighter future for their children. Recently, we have received inquiries about sharing student information and undocumented students' safety. In Connecticut, public schools must educate all children residing in their districts, regardless of immigration status. This mandate is rooted in both state law and federal court rulings. Our schools will remain places of learning, free from fear, where all students can feel safe and valued. I want to reassure every family that our schools are safe places where students can learn and thrive. Still, we understand the concerns of our families. Our support personnel remain ready to help students who may be feeling stressed or anxious about current discussions of immigration issues and uncertainties about the future.”
Multiple community leaders took the stage to express their support for the immigrant community.
Newly appointed Chief DEI Officer and Title IX Coordinator at WCSU, Jennifer Labate, emphasized that the institution will support the community: “As a proud federally recognized Hispanic Serving Institution, we are invested in serving this community. We are committed to protecting and providing resources to our undocumented students and those from mixed-status families. Right now, WCSU is taking extra steps to prepare our students and their families with workshops, preparedness checklists, and mental health care services to ensure safety and calm. WCSU stands with the immigrants on our campus and in Greater Danbury, and we will do everything within our power to provide the necessary resources and support.”
Gus Marks-Hamilton, who represents the American Civil Liberties Union of Connecticut, stated that the organization is prepared to assist the immigrant community: “We have lawyers, advocates, activists, and a policy team ready to make Connecticut safer and more welcoming for immigrants. The ACLU has built a Firewalls for Freedom plan to ensure our state and local officials do not assist anti-democratic forces in attacking our civil liberties and civil rights.”
Rabi Ari Rosenburg, the executive director of the Association of Religious Communities (ARC), emphasized that the organization supports the immigrant community: “We are here to implore each of our elected officials and our neighbors: Look deep within your soul, follow your moral compass, and join us as we support some of the most vulnerable members of our community.”
The granddaughter of Jewish immigrants who came here before World War I, State Senator Julie Kushner reiterated her responsibility to participants as their reelected official: “I know very clearly that if they had not immigrated to the United States I probably would not be here today, I am very keenly aware of the situation we are in today, and of the need for us to stand together and protect immigrant families. As your State Senator, I know that my responsibility is to protect all of the residents of our city, our state, and our district.”
Co-sponsors of the rally included: Association of Religious Communities (ARC) and their churches and congregations, Western Connecticut State University Undocually Task Force, WCSU Precollegiate Access Programs, ACLU Connecticut, Connecticut Students For A Dream, ATU1622 Union, Starbucks Danbury Union, CT Working Families Party, CT Socialist Of America, Kamoras Cultural Corner, CT Comunidades Sin Fronteras, Danbury Area Justice Network, Danbury Pride, Action Together Network.