Immigration Status is no Barrier to CT HUSKY Expansion to all Children 15 and Younger

The state of Connecticut is expanding HUSKY healthcare coverage for all children 15 and younger as of July 1, no matter their immigration status – as long as families do not exceed income limits based on the size of the family.
The current age limit for enrollment is 12. Income limits for qualifying can be found on the official state website at
Children who are enrolled in the program that provides no cost state-funded coverage will continue to receive that coverage through age 19 as of July 1.
However, while enrolled children will retain the coverage to age 19, new applicants cannot be older than 15 as of July 1.
Some Connecticut legislators are pushing for the HUSKY coverage to be expanded further and made available to children up to age 18 no matter their immigration status, but the issue was not expected to be considered in the General Assembly’s current legislative session, which ends in early May.
It’s important to underscore that immigration status is no barrier to benefitting from this state of Connecticut program. Undocumented immigrant families and non-citizen children not only qualify but are encouraged by the state to apply.
“Undocumented immigrants are not eligible for Social Security, Medicaid, and many other public benefits, and yet we know these families are a vital part of the workforce,” said Immigration Law Attorney Lisa Rivas, a Partner with Cramer & Anderson, LLP, a multilingual firm with offices in Danbury, Ridgefield, New Milford, and Litchfield.
“It’s fitting and important that the children in these families receive proper medical care regardless of their immigration status, especially mental health services, when so many of the children have been victims of past trauma and/or family separation. Because of this, the expansion of HUSKY in Connecticut is very welcome,” added Attorney Rivas.
She has significant experience with the full range of immigration issues, including removal proceedings, asylum interviews, family and employment petitions, National Visa Center and Consular processing, and SIJ status matters.
Attorney Rivas works closely with Partner Jennifer Collins, who thrives on helping Personal Injury, Workers’ Comp and Social Security Disability clients, who most need compassionate and powerful advocacy.
“The HUSKY program for non-citizen children is important in so many ways,” Attorney Collins said. “For example, young people injured on the job or in an accident will have access to health care that will not only help them heal but also document injuries in a way that positions them to pursue a legal claim for compensation despite being undocumented.”
Reach Attorney Rivas and Attorney Collins by phone at (203) 744-1234, or by email at and