Frequently Asked Questions about COVID-19 Vaccination

Due to high traffic volume at websites and phone lines, eligible residents in Phase 1B may encounter delays in scheduling appointments to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
Frequently Asked Questions about COVID-19 Vaccination
Due to high traffic volume at websites and phone lines, eligible residents in Phase 1B may encounter delays in scheduling appointments to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Appointment availability is limited, based on the supply of vaccine that is currently available, but slots will continue to open up as they become available. Here are some of the frequently asked questions about the Covid-19 vaccination:
Eligibility, and Requirements
When will I be able to receive a COVID-19 Vaccine?
Information about eligibility and timeline can be found at
Who is and isn’t in Phase 1a, and Phase 1b?
Information about who falls into each phase of the vaccine at this time can be found at It’s important to remember that vaccination access and information changes quickly, so please check back frequently for the most up-to-date information.
Is the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory?
No. The State of Connecticut is not mandating vaccination.
Can I get the vaccine if I live outside of the State of Connecticut? What if I work in Connecticut, but don't live in Connecticut?
You are eligible to receive vaccine in the State of Connecticut if you meet the state’s current phase of eligibility AND either live or work in the State of Connecticut. If you neither live or work in the State of Connecticut, you are not eligible to receive vaccine in the State of Connecticut, even if your primary medical provider is in the State of Connecticut. If you do not live or work in Connecticut, you should receive vaccine from your state of residence when you are eligible based on their requirements.
Scheduling your Vaccination During Phase 1b
If I’m not 75 and over, but I’m eligible for vaccine in Phase 1b; can I schedule my vaccine appointment?
Scheduling is currently only available for those 75 and older.
If I’m under the age of 75 and I have documented underlying health conditions; can I schedule my appointment now?
No. Currently only individuals 75 and over are being scheduled for appointments. We anticipate that Phase 1b will open up to additional individuals in the weeks to come, particularly as our vaccine supply from the federal government increases.
I’m a worker eligible for Phase 1b, but I work for myself and don’t have an employer. How do I get my vaccine?
Right now, we are only scheduling individuals who are 75 and over. An announcement will be made when other Phase 1b individuals can make their vaccine appointments.
I am in Phase 1a, but wasn’t able to get my vaccination yet; do I have to wait now?
No, individuals who were eligible in Phase 1a can still be vaccinated, along with individuals 75 and over. If you lack the internet access to make your appointment, you can call the COVID-19 Vaccine Appointments Assistance Line at 877-918-2224, Mondays through Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Due to high volume, hold times may vary.
Getting the Vaccine
Where do I go for a vaccination?
When you are eligible for a vaccination, you will most likely work through your medical provider, or the employer coordinator at your workplace to learn about the specifics of your eligibility requirements. Vaccines will be administered in a wide range of places: physicians’ offices, hospitals, pharmacies, community health centers, and other locations that would normally administer vaccinations.
I don't have state-issued identification; will I be able to get a COVID-19 vaccination?
Yes. A state-issued ID is not required to get a vaccination in the State of Connecticut, and is not a prerequisite for eligibility. No person will be turned away based on their ability to show ID. While sharing your contact information may not be required to get a vaccine, your provider will likely ask for it in order to make sure you are able to come back for your second dose, so we recommend sharing it with your provider.
I have staff that I believe qualify as healthcare and critical workforce; how do I get them vaccinated?
Information about how to ensure your staff are vaccinated can be found at
The Vaccines
Is there a difference between the vaccinations that I can take?
There are only small differences, but both vaccines currently authorized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are highly effective, based on trials. Below, you’ll see some basic details about both.
Vaccine Age Requirement Recommended Time Between Doses
Pfizer 16+ 21 days
Moderna 18+ 28 days
Do I get to choose which vaccine brand I want to receive?
In general, given scarce supply, only one vaccine may be available through your provider. You can talk with your medical provider if you have specific questions or concerns that may lead you to want to seek out one specific COVID-19 vaccine versus another.
The Second Dose
How do I know when to schedule my second vaccination?
Most providers will ask you to schedule your first and second vaccination at the same time, and will help you set up reminders via text, email, or phone call about your second dose.
What if I miss my second shot, or cannot find an appointment for 21 (for Pfizer) or 28 (for Moderna) days after my first shot - is it a problem if I wait?
No. You do not need to get your second dose exactly 21 (for Pfizer) or 28 (for Moderna) days after your first shot. If you get your dose later, even by a few weeks, or a little earlier, it will still be effective.
Can the vaccine give me COVID-19?
No. None of the COVID-19 vaccines currently authorized for use or in development in the United States use the live virus that causes COVID-19. However, it typically takes a few weeks for the body to build immunity after vaccination. That means it’s possible you could be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 just before or just after vaccination and become sick.
For more information, please visit the COVID portal.
Source: Connecticut’s Official website