Elmwood Hall Strives to Bring Endless Possibilities for Our Older Members

It has been said that May is the month of “sunshine, blooming flowers and endless possibilities.”
No where is that truer than at the Elmwood Hall Danbury Senior Center. Elmwood Hall strives to bring endless possibilities for our older members all year long. Whether it is learning a new skill, making new friends, or becoming a lifelong learner, there is something for everyone.
Join us on May 9 at 1pm, as we partner with Edward Jones Financial for a lunch & learn workshop on making your money last. Listen to an expert on planning for your retirement and how to manage your money as you grow older. We have two other programs in our May lecture series. On May 7 at 2:30pm, author Mike Virgintino will join us to discuss the rise and fall of New York City’s first (and last) amusement park, Freedomland USA. Come hear the fascinating history behind one of New England’s most notorious theme parks.
May is also a month to honor our veterans. We have various activities planned to do so, including a lecture on the history of the United States Armed Forces. Historian Art Gottlieb joins us on May 16 at 1pm for this interesting talk.
At any age, but especially as we get older, our health and wellness is extremely important. In addition to our everyday offerings like yoga, tai chi and strength training, May will bring us a few specialty wellness classes. On May 13 at 1pm, we will partner with the Ridgefield Visiting Nurses Association (RVNA) to present a program on medication management. This program will help you discover a range of tips designed to make managing your meds a simple and stress-free part of your daily life. We will also be welcoming Lisa Tancredi, founder of Ridgefield’s The Feel Better Group, for a guided meditation class on May 14 at 2:30pm.
Studies have shown that social connection has a major impact on our health and wellbeing. At Elmwood Hall, we provide more than just classes; we provide a gathering space, a place where you can just come and have a cup of coffee and make new friends. Our Sugar Hollow Café is open every day, from 8:30a-4:30pm, to do just that. Read the paper, discuss current events with other community members, or find a quiet corner to just enjoy a book or a puzzle. On the third Friday of every month, we also host a dance and social party. We provide refreshments and a dance floor, while DJ Kevin Burland provides music to dance. Whether you like to dance or just want to come socialize, this is a great opportunity to meet new people!
Save the date! On June 2, we will be partnering with The New American Dream Foundation for the first of many Cultural Celebrations to be held at Elmwood Hall. This kickoff event will focus on Brazil’s traditions, foods, and entertainment. We will have a lunch filled with traditional Brazilian foods, followed by a concert by world renowned recording artist Jose Paulo. Reservations are limited and can be made by calling the senior center.
Whatever your interest is, there is something for everyone at The Elmwood Hall Danbury Senior Center. Remember, the Elmwood Hall Danbury Senior Center, located at 10 Elmwood Place in Danbury, is open Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm. Membership is FREE to all those 60+ (regardless of whether you live in Danbury or not). We would love to see you very soon! For more Information visit www.danburyseniors.org
This article was written by Matt Austin, Elmwood Hall’s Elderly Services Program Coordinator.
Photo 1: In April, we held an introductory pickleball class for seniors. We had overwhelming interest from our members. We are hoping to start a senior pickleball league this summer.
Photo 2: Local Attorney Ann Fowler-Cruz presented a talk on estate planning and making sure you have the appropriate paperwork in order as you get older.