Danbury Library is in Full Swing this February

This February, Danbury Library is featuring some exciting highlights.
First, Black History Month will be celebrated throughout the month with special programming, reading recommendations, and book displays.
Between February 5 and March 15, Danbury Library will hold a contest to find the next generation of library card designs. Students (K-12) and adults are invited to submit original print or digital artwork that appeals to a large audience. Three winning designs will be chosen, one from each age group: kindergarten through grade 5, grades 6-12, and adults. Each winner will receive a $100 Amazon gift card.
Everyone is invited to celebrate Lunar New Year at the library with a dance performance by the Phoenix Performing Art Group on Saturday, February 17 at 11:30 am. Enjoy traditional Chinese dances including a classic fan dance, a Uyghur dance, a solo Cantonese folk piece, a gongfu dance, and more! Families with children are also encouraged to join us for drop-in Lunar New Year crafts between 4-5 pm on Thursday, February 15. No registration is required, just stop by!
Finally, Danbury Library is developing its new five-year strategic plan and is gathering input via a brief online survey. To take the survey and help write the library’s next chapter, visit danburylibrary.org/strategic-planning-survey or stop by the library’s computer lab for assistance.
As an essential city asset, the Danbury Library is committed to being a welcoming destination, responsive to the needs of our city’s diverse community, and a source of inspiration through words and ideas.
For more information, please contact Tara Carvalho, Program and Outreach Coordinator, by calling (203) 797-4505 x. 7731, or via email at tcarvalho@danburylibrary.org.