CT Paid Leave: How to Apply for Benefits

When serious and often unexpected life experiences occur, such as a grave illness or caring for a sick loved one, you can feel overwhelmed.
At CT Paid Leave, we understand that people are seeking out our program at very stressful times in their lives. Even if your reason for seeking paid leave benefits is a joyous one, like bonding with a new child, it is still a time of change and, in some ways, uncertainty. We strive to make the process of applying for CT Paid Leave benefits as easy to navigate as possible.
When you experience a qualifying reason for taking a leave, you will want to make sure you communicate with your employer. Laws like the Connecticut Family and Medical Leave Act (CT FMLA) and the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or other laws can provide unpaid, job-protected leave while you are away from work for a qualifying reason. CT Paid Leave provides income replacement benefits while you are away from work for these same qualifying reasons, but it does not provide job-protected leave. That’s why FMLA and CT Paid Leave work hand in hand.
If your need for leave is foreseeable (a planned surgery, for example) you should start your application for CT Paid Leave benefits 30 days in advance of the leave start date. If it is an unplanned leave (like a serious unexpected illness), you should apply as soon as it is practicable. To apply, we recommend using our online application portal at ctpaidleave.org. Through the online portal, you can see all required documents, upload completed documents, message your case manager, and more. We also offer the option to apply over the phone by calling (877) 499-8606.
When you start your application, you will complete an intake process, through which you provide some basic information along with the qualifying reason for leave. After that, you’ll be provided with a few different documents that must be completed and returned. We require three categories of documents before we can review your application and make a decision. One is identity verification – most people provide a color copy of the front and back of their driver’s license or state issued ID; however, there are other options for identity verification that can be submitted instead. The second category is employment verification. This is a two-page form that you will provide to your employer to complete. The last category is documentation to support your leave reason, and this will be based on the leave reason you specified during your intake process. For example, if your reason for leave is your own serious health condition, we will require a document called the Certification of a Serious Health Condition Form. You will provide this form to your healthcare provider to complete on your behalf.
Once all three categories of documentation are received, your application will be reviewed, and a decision will be made. Decisions are issued within five business days upon the receipt of all required documentation. Incomplete or inconsistent documentation can slow down the review process.
If your claim for benefits is approved, your benefit payment will be issued weekly for the duration of your approved leave, either through direct deposit to your bank account or via a pre-paid debit card, depending on your preference.
For more information on the application process, visit ctpaidleave.org.