CT Kindergarten Cut-Off Date Moves to Sept. 2—What Families Need to Do.

We are excited to welcome our incoming kindergarten class for the 2024-25 school year with the start of registration on January 16, 2024.
The process to register begins by going to the Danbury Public School website at www.danbury.k12.ct.us to fill out the online forms. This registration process will begin on January 16, 2024.
This year, there is a change in the cut-off date for kindergarten registration. In previous years, your child must have turned five years old by January 1. This year, a new law, Public Act 23-208, passed during the 2023 Connecticut Legislative Session states that students who are not yet five years old on or before September 1 should begin kindergarten the following year. Previously, any student born before January 1 was permitted to begin kindergarten despite being four years old. This change is based on research that shows learning outcomes improve if students are five years old by the start of kindergarten.
School districts around the state are being permitted flexibility in the implementation of this new law to ensure the changes work for the unique needs of their families and students. Danbury Public Schools wants to ensure families and our community childcare centers and family child care providers do not face an undue burden due to this change. However, we are responsible for complying with this law and ensuring our policies remain consistent with state and national best practices around child development.
The new law requires that schools implement a waiver system for families with children who turn five after September 2, 2024, but before January 1, 2025.
Following the submission of this waiver, families will be contacted for assessment dates to determine whether enrolling the child is developmentally appropriate. Based on the results of the assessment, the parent/guardian will be notified regarding the district’s determination for entry into kindergarten. We ask that you submit your waiver by April 1, 2024, so the school district can accurately plan for staffing and programming for our incoming kindergarten students. The assessment will be offered at the DPS Registration Center at 49 Osborne Center, beginning on February 1, 2024.
If you wish to have your child who has a birthday after September 2, 2024, be considered for entry into Kindergarten in the Fall of 2024, please submit your waiver by clicking https://shorturl.at/jvxH8.
Sending your child to kindergarten is an important step in growth and development. Danbury has a wealth of opportunities to help get your child ready for this milestone. Playgroups at Danbury Library, Morris St FRC, or the Family and Community Engagement Center (FACE) are all opportunities free to families. For more information, please call the FACE Center at 203-797-4734. We look forward to seeing your child and family soon in the Danbury Public Schools.
Anne E. Mead, Ed. D. is the Director of Family, School, and Community Partnerships for Danbury Public Schools. She can be reached at 203-830-6508 or by email at meadan@danburyu.k12.ct.us.