Amber Room Run from the Sun 5k Breaks Barriers – Just Like Ann’s Place, Whose Free Cancer Care the Run Helps Support

August 17 race open to runners in person or virtual
Runners across the globe can help Danbury nonprofit Ann’s Place provide free services for cancer survivors and their loved ones by participating in the Amber Room Run from the Sun 5k.
It’s fitting the run offers a virtual option this year, because Ann’s Place has branched out to include more virtual services for cancer survivors – especially cross-cultural services. Recently, the organization has grown its Spanish-language clinical care both in person and online thanks to a donation from Medline, a national healthcare company.
Medline awarded Ann’s Place with a $10,000 grant to enable wrap-around support, including counseling and wellness programs for families facing cancer, especially those whose first language is Spanish, through its Health Equity Initiative (HEI).
The race will take place at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, August 17 at the Amber Room, 1 Stacey Rd, Danbury, CT 06811. Runners who cannot attend in person may also register for the virtual 5k, allowing them to run from anywhere in the world. Registration begins at $35 and for in-person runners includes a post-race party with an outdoor barbecue and awards ceremony. Learn more and register at
Raising funds to break barriers
About 40 percent of Americans can expect to be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime, according to Ann’s Place CEO Shannon Cobb. For the individual facing cancer, there may be places to access financial aid, or to get individual counseling, or to go to a yoga class. But Ann’s Place is the only organization in the region where cancer survivors can get all these services in one, warm, secure environment, with other survivors, at no charge.
Ann’s Place is raising funds to break down barriers that keep people from accessing its care, Cobb says: “There are so many barriers to cancer patients and their families in this area when they need affordable mental health care and other support. It’s not enough that our community programs are free -- people have other barriers, whether it’s language or cultural differences or the ability to get to our facility. There are a lot of things we can do to remove some of those other barriers.”
Medline grants
Ann’s Place is one of 11 recent recipients of health equity grants from Medline whose grants address barriers to optimal healthcare through the company’s Community Impact Grant program, which seeks to improve community health by addressing social determinants of health.
About Medline
Medline is a healthcare company; a manufacturer, distributor, and solutions provider focused on improving the overall operating performance of healthcare. Partnering with healthcare systems and facilities across the continuum of care, Medline provides the clinical and supply chain resources required for long-term financial viability in delivering high-quality care. With the scale of one of the country’s largest companies and the agility of a family-led business, Medline is able to invest in its customers for the future and rapidly respond to a dynamically changing market with customized solutions. Headquartered in Northfield, Ill., Medline has 35,000+ employees worldwide and does business in more than 125 countries and territories. Learn more about Medline at
About Ann’s Place
Ann’s Place is a 31-year-old community-based cancer support organization whose mission is to provide comfort, support, and resources to people living with cancer and to their loved ones. The nonprofit helps clients and their loved ones adjust to a cancer diagnosis, deal with issues of uncertainty, and find a way to move forward. Clinical social workers, facilitators, and wellness experts provide individual, family, and couples clinical counseling, support groups, an extensive range of wellness activities (i.e. nutrition workshops, Reiki, Tai Chi, meditation, yoga, and art and writing classes) and horticulture and art therapies, all free of charge. More at