“A Shameless Call for an Act of Kindness"

As the summer ends, and most parents can enjoy the last weeks before their children's school year begins, many families face the approaching school year with financial concern and uncertainty.
"Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others."
-Booker T. Washington
As the summer ends, and most parents can enjoy the last weeks before their children's school year begins, many families face the approaching school year with financial concern and uncertainty.
As someone who grew up in the North-End section of Hartford and resided in Danbury, I know too well the difficulties of families who struggle to make ends meet while providing their children with the supplies needed for the start of the school year.
With electrical costs doubled from last year and increases in property taxes and rental rates, the anguish parents endure weeks before the start of the school year can become overwhelming and difficult to bear. Thankfully, there are services in the area that can lessen a family's back-to-school financial blow.
For over thirty years, The United Way of Western Connecticut's "Back-to-School Drive" has been a beacon of relief for working families in Greater Danbury by providing over 500 kids in the area with backpacks full of school essentials as well as gift cards designed to start a child's educational year on the right track.
With school supplies totaling over 100 dollars, the noble service provided by the United Way can make a difference for many families in need throughout Fairfield and Litchfield County; the worthy program is only possible with the general public's generosity.
This year, the Danbury Fair Mall has teamed up with United Way to assist in their back-to-school efforts by accepting donations for the school drive on August 16, 2023, between 10:00 am -1:00 pm.
Supplies needed include:
*Elementary School Backpacks
*Rectangular Erasers
* Glue Sticks
* 24-Pack Crayola Crayons
* No. 2 Pencils
* Pens
*Colored Pencils
*Magic Markers
For more information regarding The United Way of Connecticut's "Back-to-School" program, including donation information, contact the agency at 860-354-8800 or visit their website at https://www.unitedwaycwc.org/backtoschool.
Please give what you can and know that your generosity will positively impact the lives of children who will be forever grateful for your act of kindness.