The Tastes of Danbury’s Finale

CityCenter Danbury is excited to announce the finale of this very tasty event scheduled for the month of May– "Tastes of Danbury.”
CityCenter Danbury is excited to announce the finale of this very tasty event scheduled for the month of May– "Tastes of Danbury.” Looking for a great way to get out and enjoy life while introducing your palate to some delicious food? For only $25, you can enjoy a variety of delicious meals from four different establishments throughout our downtown area! You read that right; one payment of $25 gets you (4) different meals, and you can go whenever you want through the month of May. That’s less than $10 a meal; talk about savings!!! We've enjoyed so many restaurants that have participated in this season's Tastes of Danbury, we hope you don't miss this opportunity for our last month in 2022!!! We have planned out a slightly gluttonous itinerary, so all you have to do is put on a pair of eating pants - trust us, you'll need 'em! To purchase tickets and for more details, please go to