About the Extension for Filing Your Taxes, and Tax Support

Many routine things have changed in the last six weeks - we have been staying home to stay safe, wearing protective face coverings, keeping a distance from friends and strangers, working from home if we can and trying to keep families entertained and safe in a world very different from what we are accustomed to.
Many routine things have changed in the last six weeks - we have been staying home to stay safe, wearing protective face coverings, keeping a distance from friends and strangers, working from home if we can and trying to keep families entertained and safe in a world very different from what we are accustomed to.
Federal and state governments have also changed many things to make life easier while we are collectively trying to get through this pandemic. One of the many ways Connecticut’s government is helping is to offer an extension for the filing of state taxes until July 15.
The Department of Revenue Services (DRS) has extended the filing and payment deadlines of Connecticut individual income tax returns until July 15, 2020, but taxpayers do not need to wait until July, and are encouraged to submit their state returns electronically when they are ready.
Here’s what you should know:
- During this time, DRS continues to process returns, payments and refunds.
- The easiest way to file - and the fastest way to receive a refund - is through online filing, including via the DRS Taxpayer Service Center, which is easy, secure and free to use. Since Connecticut’s individual income tax return begins with federal Adjusted Gross Income, it is often beneficial to complete your federal income tax return first.
- Due to social distancing directives and remote work procedures, paper tax returns will take longer to be processed. DRS strongly encourages taxpayers and tax professionals to file electronically.
- If you need support completing your taxes through services that are offered remotely (so you can still stay home, and stay safe), 211 has resources for free tax help on their website.
VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) services are available, but limited
Many low-income people have been able to use VITA to help them do their taxes. But in an effort to keep their volunteers and staff safe, many physical sites have been closed.
If your VITA appointment has been canceled, please check back with 2-1-1 in a couple of weeks to see if sites are reopening. You can also consider filing your taxes in one of the alternate ways outlined below:
Some VITA sites are offering tax assistance via a virtual VITA model. See below for links to sign up for virtual VITA in some areas of the state:
Waterbury VITA Appointments: Sign up for a free phone appointment at https://form.jotform.com/200715549679062
New Haven VITA Appointments: Sign up for a free phone appointment at https://form.jotform.com/200715549679062
Lower Fairfield County & Middletown VITA Appointments: Sign up for a free phone appointment at https://form.jotform.com/200751255209146
Career Resources VITA Appointments: Sign up for a free phone appointment at https://form.jotform.com/200846800289155
If your tax return is simple, and you feel you can do it yourself, you can prepare your taxes online for free at www.myfreetaxes.com Myfreetaxes.com is available in Spanish and English.
Federal Stimulus Checks, Scams, and a Reminder
As stimulus checks have started to come in, we know that some residents who may not have received checks have questions.
- For more information and to see if you are eligible for an Economic Impact Payment, visit the Internal Revenue Service website at https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus-tax-relief-and-economic-impact-payments.
- Don’t respond to any unsolicited emails, texts or calls about stimulus checks, or offers to get your stimulus check more quickly. Scam artists may be trying to target you during this time – offering to find a way to get you a check if you haven’t received one already.
- If you don’t have a bank account, you won’t receive your check directly deposited. To see how to get your payment, visit at https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus-tax-relief-and-economic-impact-payments
If you think you have been scammed, or think someone you know has, please visit dcp.complaints@ct.gov. DCP now has a live chat function that allows you to talk with a real person in real time between 8:30am and 4:30pm Monday through Friday.
The DRS website (https://portal.ct.gov/DRS) includes answers to many state tax questions and a Frequently Asked Questions page that is updated regularly. Taxpayers who need to contact DRS may e-mail us at DRS@po.state.ct.us. To reach DRS by phone during normal business hours – Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. - call 860-297-5962 (from anywhere); 800-382-9463 (within CT, outside Greater Hartford area only); or 860-297-4911 (Hearing Impaired, TDD/TT users only).
This article was written by Catherine Blinder, chief education and outreach officer of the Department of Consumer Protection of the State of Connecticut. To learn more about how the Department of Consumer Protection can help, visit us online at www.ct.gov/dcp.