What You Need to Know About The 2022 Connecticut Income Tax Filing Season
The DRS Taxpayer Service Center (see TSC-Individual Login) started accepting online individual income tax returns beginning the week of Tuesday, January 18, 2022.
When does the DRS individual income tax filing season begin this year?
The DRS Taxpayer Service Center (see TSC-Individual Login) started accepting online individual income tax returns beginning the week of Tuesday, January 18, 2022.
What is the best way to file my Connecticut income tax return?
DRS strongly recommends electronic filing.The DRS Taxpayer Service Center is an easy, secure, and free option, and electronic filing is the quickest way to get your state refund if you are expecting one. Because Connecticut's individual income tax return begins with federal adjusted gross income, it is often beneficial to file your federal income tax return first.
What is the due date for filing my 2021 Connecticut individual income tax?
April18, 2022. In 2022, the due date for filing a Connecticut Income Tax Return (April 15) falls on a Friday which is a legal holiday in the District of Columbia (Emancipation Day). Therefore, for filing purposes, the return (and payments) will be considered timely if filed on or before Monday, April 18, 2022.
Can I request an extension of time to file my 2021 Connecticut individual income tax return beyond April 18?
Yes. Individual taxpayers who need additional time to file beyond the April 18 deadline can request an extension until October 15, 2022, by filing Form CT-1040 EXT through the DRS online Taxpayer Service Center (click on TSC-INDIVIDUAL LOGIN button, then File An Extension in the blue box).Taxpayers requesting additional time to file should estimate their tax liability and pay any taxes owed by the April 18 deadline to avoid additional interest and penalties.
If I have already filed my 2021 Connecticut income tax return and need to make a revision, how can I do so?
To amend a previously-filed 2021 Connecticut individual income tax return, visit the DRS online Taxpayer Service Center (scroll to TSC-Individual Login button) to File Form CT1040X, Amended Connecticut Income Tax Return for Individuals. Your original 2021 Connecticut income tax return must have been received and processed by DRS to utilize this option. Form CT-1040X can also be printed, completed, and mailed to DRS, if necessary, but please allow for additional processing time.
On the DRS Taxpayer Service Center online individual income tax return application, I believe I am eligible for the property tax credit listed on Schedule 3, but a message on the screen says I do not qualify.
At the top of Schedule 3 - Property Tax Schedule, there are two questions to determine your eligibility for the property tax credit.One box must be selected/checked in order for the credit to be reflected. If you already filed through the DRS Taxpayer Service Center (TSC) and believe you were eligible for this credit, you can amend your return electronically in the TSC.
Are there circumstances where I cannot file my Connecticut individual income tax return online using the DRS Taxpayer Service Center?
Yes. For example, if filing a Connecticut individual income tax return with a new status for the first time, the taxpayer should file online using third-party software. After filing with Connecticut once using the new filing status, the DRS Taxpayer Service Center (TSC) will be available to use for future tax years.
Why did I receive a DRS Refund Protection Letter?
The DRS Refund Protection Program identifies the possibility of identity theft or a fraudulent tax refund claim. If a taxpayer receives this letter from DRS, visit the website indicated and follow the instructions. While this process may cause a brief delay for those entitled to a refund, the result is much better protection for taxpayers and the State of Connecticut. If you have a concern or question about a communication from DRS, do not hesitate to call the agency.
What is the best way to contact DRS if I have a question about state taxes or my state income tax return?
To reach DRS by phone during normal business hours, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 860-297-5962 (from anywhere); or 800-382-9463 (within CT, outside Greater Hartford area only); or 860-297-4911 (Hearing Impaired, TDD/TT users only). To schedule an appintment, taxpayers should contact the DRS Taxpayer Services Contact Center at DRS@ct.gov.
Does DRS offer assistance via video conference?
Yes. Taxpayers can schedule an appointment to receive DRS tax assistance from the comfort of their own homes, from a trained DRS professional during normal business hours. To schedule an appointment, contact the DRS Taxpayer Service Center at 860297-5770 (you may leave a voicemail). Taxpayers should be prepared with the pertinent tax information before contacting DRS to ensure an efficient customer service outcome.