Using the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds in Danbury Public Schools

Communication is the heart of building effective relationships. Being able to speak in your native language to others is key to creating relationships and in fostering a sense of belonging in schools. Danbury Public Schools (DPS) knows that a family’s relationship with their child’s school is key to academic success.
Communication is the heart of building effective relationships. Being able to speak in your native language to others is key to creating relationships and in fostering a sense of belonging in schools. Danbury Public Schools (DPS) knows that a family’s relationship with their child’s school is key to academic success.
In March, DPS asked families how they wanted to see the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds (ESSER) be used in the schools. Families wanted someone in their child’s school that could speak in their native language, have a better understanding of how to support their child’s learning and ways to talk directly with the child’s teacher. Families further wanted safe, healthy schools, and for children to return to the classroom full time.
Since the time of the survey and community meetings, DPS has acted. DPS is hiring bi-lingual family liaisons for each school that will work full time to improve school-home communication, be point persons to resolve issues and assist parents in implementing PARENT SQUARE. Family Universities will be hosted three times a year, along with other educational opportunities. Look for an announcement about your school liaison at the beginning of the school year. If you are interested in becoming a school liaison, please apply here.
PARENT SQUARE is a simple, school-home communication platform that reaches and engages every parent. It ensures that every parent can actively participate in their child’s education. The App or computer program unifies all parent communication under one umbrella. Families with children in multiple schools can get alerts (for emergencies) and can opt for an end-of-the-day digest of all messages, in one place, delivered to your email inbox. This will eliminate the need for numerous robocalls. A highlight of PARENT SQUARE is the family’s ability to initiate communication with their child’s teacher. We feel this two-way communication will improve relationships and build a stronger school community!!
School registration is ongoing. If you have a child turning 5 by January 1, 2022 or children you need to enroll, please don’t wait. Do it today by going to and clicking on the yellow box marked Danbury School registration. Fill in all your information and submit the application. Staff from Central Registration will call you within 48 hours to complete the process, talk about any testing required, and answer all your questions. Early registration guarantees you will be included in important pre-opening school events. The Extended Learning Program (before- and after-school program) is taking registrations for the upcoming school year; apply here. Staff is also needed to work in the program. Apply here.
The DPS Reopening Committee has worked throughout the summer to ensure that all COVID mitigation strategies are maintained and that social distancing, cleaning protocols and preventive measures are in place. Your school can detail all of these for you at the opening activities.
Danbury Schools listened, we heard and acted. Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year.
Anne E. Mead, Ed. D., is the administrator for the Early Childhood Education and Extended Learning Programs of the Danbury Public Schools. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact her at 203-830-6508 or meadan@danbury.k12.