Special Events Happening at the Danbury Senior Center

Spring has sprung! Spring signifies the start of new beginnings. Nowhere is that more evident than at the Elmwood Hall Danbury Senior Center.
We have so many new programs we are offering in the coming months. Whether you are a regular visitor, or you have never checked out our programming, now is the time!
As the weather starts to get better, let’s get outside! Starting April 1, our Walking Club will be back outside walking downtown Danbury twice a week (Mondays & Fridays). Come join us for a walk and make some new friends. On May 24, the Walking Club makes a trip to the Fairfield Hills Campus for a special morning walk. We have many other options to keep you active and moving. Chair Yoga, Gentle Flow Yoga, and Zumba are some of our more popular programs happening at Elmwood Hall every week. Check our schedule for dates and times.
In April, we have a handful of informational programs addressing some of life’s more complicated issues. April 8 brings local attorney, Ann Fowler-Cruz, to us for a presentation on estate planning, creating wills another important topic to help get affairs in order as we grow older. Have questions about Medicare? Join us on Wednesday, April 17 for a Medicare informational session from the Western Connecticut Area Agency on Aging. They will be reviewing what options might be best for you and how you can enroll if eligible. The state of CT’s Renters Rebate program opens up beginning April 1. Our municipal agent, Tamires Dasilva, and her team will be on hand, by appointment only, to help those who need assistance. Please call the front desk for an appointment.
Do you love pop culture? April also brings a lecture on the life and legacy of comedian Lucille Ball called “We Love Lucy” on Thursday April 25. WCSU professor, Dr. Donald Gagnon, brings back his “Black Broadway: A Musical History” on April 30. This program explores the history of Black trailblazers on and off the Broadway stage.
Mark your calendars for a couple of very special events happening at the Danbury Senior Center. On May 30, we are taking a trip to Ferris Acres Creamery in Newtown for an afternoon sweet treat. On June 2, we will be partnering with The New American Dream Foundation for the first of many cultural celebrations held at Elmwood Hall. This kickoff event will focus on Brazil’s traditions, foods, and entertainment. We will have a lunch with traditional Brazilian food, followed by a concert by world-renowned recording artist, Jose Paulo.
Whatever your interest is, there is something for everyone at The Elmwood Hall Danbury Senior Center. Remember, the Center, located at 10 Elmwood Place in Danbury, is open Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm. Membership is FREE to all those 60+ (regardless of whether you live in Danbury or not). We would love to see you very soon! For more Information, please visit www.danburyseniors.org.
This article was written by Matt Austin, Program Coordinator at Danbury Senior Center.
Photo 1: State Department of Aging and Disability Services held a community conversation recently gathering feedback from older community members about state programs.
Photo 2: The local AARP chapter volunteers who have spent the last two months assisting older adults in filing their taxes through our tax assistance program.