Free Virtual Job Fair

Join the Greater Danbury Chamber of Commerce and the Northwest Regional Workforce Investment Board on June 22 from 10am-2pm for a Virtual Job Fair.
Looking to hire or be hired?
Join the Greater Danbury Chamber of Commerce and the Northwest Regional Workforce Investment Board on June 22 from 10am-2pm for a Virtual Job Fair. This event is free and open to all job seekers and employers!
Employers can meet with skilled candidates and students interested in various industries. They can also create their own personalize virtual booth and talk to candidates in real time. To reserve your virtual booth, please visit:
Job seekers can meet virtually with multiple local businesses in various industries. Visit their online booths and talk with them in real time about their available job opportunities. To register for the job fair, please visit
This event is sponsored by the Northwest Regional Workforce Investment Board.
For more information, contact the Greater Danbury Chamber of Commerce at or call 203-743-5565.