Danbury Public Schools Announces Its Family University Program for Families

Virtually all families believe that school is important and want their children to be high achievers. Families who talk to their children about the importance of school and encourage their students are making a significant impact.
Virtually all families believe that school is important and want their children to be high achievers. Families who talk to their children about the importance of school and encourage their students are making a significant impact. However, families may not be familiar with the content of what children are learning or with how to increase their knowledge to support their child’s academics. Introducing Family University—it is a respectful and all-inclusive platform to engage families as equal partners to improve academic achievement by building and enhancing the capacities of families in the 4 Cs: Capabilities (skills and knowledge); Connections (networking with other families and educators); Cognition (shifting beliefs and values); and Confidence (building skills to support your child). Family University offers families multiple educational opportunities throughout the year.
All the opportunities are free to families and are offered during the day, evenings, and Saturdays in person, virtually, and in multiple languages. We are excited to have partnered with Power My Learning Program, Danbury Student and Business Connection (DSABC), the Danbury Family Learning Center, Inc., and other partners to bring education to your door.
The line-up of opportunities for October begins with “Strategies to Foster your Child’s Motivation” on Tuesday, October 11, from 6:00 pm-7:00 pm in English and Spanish. Enrollees gain practical tips to motivate their children and resources and strategies to use at home. Hear how other families increase motivation among their children, leading to better school attendance and higher academic achievement. Other topics and dates include “Sharing Family Expertise with your Child’s Teacher” on November 15 and “Strengthening Family Empathy and Dialogue on December 6. To register, call 203-797-4734.
DSABC offers Foundation for Your Future for high schoolers and their families to help them build their knowledge on topics related to preparing for college, trade, or starting their own businesses. College Applications 101 will be held on October 12 at 7:00 pm. Topics include First Generation Students, Writing a College Essay, and Creating a Brag Sheet about yourself. For more information or to register, contact Susan Queenan, the director of DSABC, at Queens@danbury.k12.ct.us
The New Promise Program runs monthly to help new and veteran families learn about District technology, Parent Square and PowerSchool, Google Classroom, the importance of school attendance, VersaTran, and more. New Promise is an in-person instructional manual on how to support your student’s learning and everything you need to be an informed family. For dates and times, contact moling@danbury.k12.ct.us.
Family University offers multiple-week seminars. People Empowering People is a 12-week in-person class to develop your strengths and sharpen your communication skills to be the change you want to be in your community. Classes begin in English, Spanish, and Portuguese on Tuesday, October 25, from 6:30-8:30 pm. Contact Grace at moling@danbury.k12.ct.us.
Save the date for Saturday, November 5, for a half-day of exciting learning and activities for students and families. To access all the offerings for families, email the Office of Family, Schools & Community Partnerships at fscp@danbury.k12.ct.us.
Anne E. Mead, Ed. D. is the administrator for the Early Childhood Education and Extended Learning Programs of the Danbury Public Schools. If you have any questions, please get in touch with her at 203-830-6508 or meadan@danbury.k12. ct.us.