Danbury Area Grocery Delivery Program Helps Older Adults Stay Safe During the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges in our society and in our community. One of the biggest concerns for older adults over the past several months has been staying safe and social distancing. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and CT’s Department of Public Health recommend those over 60 or those with underlying chronic conditions stay home. These safety precautions are also what makes getting groceries and access to food and essentials even more difficult for older residents.
The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges in our society and in our community. One of the biggest concerns for older adults over the past several months has been staying safe and social distancing. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and CT’s Department of Public Health recommend those over 60 or those with underlying chronic conditions stay home. These safety precautions are also what makes getting groceries and access to food and essentials even more difficult for older residents.
In effort to provide help for older adults in Danbury, the Age Well Community Council of Danbury and partner organizations implemented the Grocery Delivery Program. The program provides grocery deliveries right to the homes of older adults in Danbury at no cost. Residents are encouraged to use services like Peapod and Instacart or curbside pick-up. If those services are not viable, residents in need of food assistance can call the Connecticut Community Care grocery helpline at (203) 591-5485 to be connected to available resources.
“With the pandemic, older adults may face obstacles getting groceries. Perhaps, you don’t drive and riding along with friends is no longer safe. Or, you don’t know how to navigate online grocery delivery options. The grocery helpline is here to answer the call and link you to a helping hand,” stated Sherry Ostrout, Director of Government Initiatives at Connecticut Community Care and member of the Age Well Community Council.
The Grocery Delivery Program was inspired and implemented by the “Eat Well, Age Well.” initiative of the Age Well Community Council of Danbury. Local partners include Connecticut Community Care, United Way of Western Connecticut, Hillside Food Outreach and Jericho Partnership. Additionally, Age Well Connecticut’s website (AgeWellCT.org) has published a comprehensive list of Emergency Food Resources from community agencies available for local residents.
Thanks to generous donations and volunteers, the Age Well Community Council of Danbury and partners also provided prepared meals to older adults in Danbury in addition to grocery deliveries during the first months of the pandemic. Residents have responded with great appreciation:
“I thought it would just be one lunch, but it lasted through the weekend… I am so gratefully stuffed and full and satisfied and happy; thank you so much for your generosity and your hard work.”
“I just received two shopping bags of food and it was like Christmas! I just can’t believe how very, very kind and generous this is. Being 89, I can’t get out.”
The Age Well Community Council is a unique collaboration of representatives from government, business, philanthropy, nonprofit and other community organizations dedicated to a community where people can age in ways that are relevant, healthy and meaningful to individuals, cultures and the larger community. The Council has launched the Age Well Community Fund for Danbury to support initiatives and programs like these. To learn more about how you can help support these vital programs, visit AgeWellCT.org/donate.
Need help?
Call the Connecticut Community Care grocery helpline at (203) 591-5485 to get connected to available resources.
For more information about this and other programs for older adults in our community, visit AgeWellCT.org.